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LCS Staff
Administration | Kids First | Elementary School | Middle School | High School | LAAC
Name | Title | Phone | |
Ben Bandfield | Superintendent | bbandfield@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7901 |
Karen Carpenter | Administrative Secretary | kcarpenter@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7901 |
Bill Maury | Food Service Director | bmaury@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7829 |
Andria Keister | Bookkeeper | akeister@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7904 |
Chris Richter | Athletic Director | crichter@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7807 |
Kevin Wanko | District Technology Coordinator | kwanko@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7907 |
Technology Help Desk | helpdesk@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7907 | |
Kyler Watson | Business Office Manager | kwatson@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7906 |
Jim Turner | Operations & Transportation Director |
jturner@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7905 |
Tamara Webster | Curriculum | twebster@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7542 |
Apex Help Line | 269 - 624 - 7855 |
Kids First - (269) 624 - 7676
Name | Title | Phone | |
Ann Wokeck | Kids First | awokeck@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7676 |
Elementary School - (269) 624 - 7500
Name | Title | Phone | |
Heather Olson | Principal | holson@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7501 |
Heather Weston | Counselor | hweston@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7505 |
Leslie Holder | Dean of Students | lholder@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7526 |
Rosie Bugarin | Secretary | rbugarin@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7503 |
Ashley Ables | Physical Education | aables@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7533 |
Courtney Bainbridge | 3rd Grade | cbainbridge@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7508 |
Jessica Banks | Food Service | jbanks@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7538 |
Armandina Calderon | Title 1 Aide | acalderon@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7575 |
Isabel Calderon | GSRP Aide | icalderon@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7556 |
Maria Calderon | Custodian | mcalderon@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7546 |
Jessica Clark | T-K | jclark@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7509 |
Abigail Coombs | 2nd grade | acoombs@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7530 |
Betsy Cornish | 2nd grade | bcornish@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7507 |
Susan Douglas | Title 1 Interventionist | sdouglas@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7534 |
Kim Emmert | GSRP | kemmert@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7556 |
Lupita Eufracio | Title 1 Aide | leufracio@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7575 |
Mishelle Goss | Classroom Aide | mgoss@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7511 |
Dana Graff | Special Education | dgraff@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7541 |
Zenia Gutierrez | Bilingual | sgutierrez@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7537 |
Catherine Henshaw | Title 1 SPED Aide | chenshaw@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7521 |
Erin Hess | VBISD Diagnostic TC | ehess@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7525 |
Jamie Keenan | Classroom / Recess Aide | jkeenan@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7521 |
Margot Kinnear | Art | mkinnear@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7515 |
Trisha Lolmaugh | 4th grade | tlolmaugh@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7528 |
Madison Ludwig | 1st grade | mludwig@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7532 |
Nicole Lycan | 2nd grade | nlycan@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7514 |
Laura Mack | Special Education | lmack@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7524 |
Katie Martin | 1st grade | kmartin@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7539 |
Amanda Merriman | Title 1 / Instruction Coach | amerriman@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7575 |
Holly Mills | 2nd grade | hmills@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7520 |
Brandon Morkut | Occupational Therapist | bmorkut@vbisd.org | 269 - 624 - 7554 |
Melissa Mortimore | Food Service | mmortimore@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7538 |
Deb Mroczek | Special Ed. - Lower El. | dmroczek@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7521 |
Kristin Mroczek | Music | kmroczek@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7555 |
Kelly Munting | Food Service | kmunting@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7538 |
Andrea Oswald | 4th grade | aoswald@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7529 |
Kevin Ouzts | Social Worker | kouzts@vbisd.org | 269 - 624 - 7525 |
David Prine | 4th grade | dprine@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7522 |
Laura Prior | 1st grade | lprior@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7512 |
Mary Rivas | Family Links | mrivas@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7536 |
Bridgette Saidla | Title I Aide | bsaidla@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7575 |
Jessica Schubert | Kindergarten | jschubert@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7534 |
Chrystal Sellon | Attendance Clerk | csellon@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7519 |
Michelle Semelbauer | GSRP | msemelbauer@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7557 |
Dayleah Smith | Special Education / Recess Aide | dsmith@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7521 |
Holli Smith | 3rd grade | hsmith@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7506 |
Lindsey Smith | 2nd grade | lismith@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7518 |
Lori Smith | Title 1 Aide | lsmith@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7575 |
Courtney Stewart | Speech Therapy | cstewart@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7554 |
Michelle Stratton | Food Service | mstratton@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7538 |
Melissa Stull | STEM | mstull@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7547 |
Rachel Taylor | Kindergarten | rtaylor@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7513 |
Aaron Tennant | VBISD Regional Sup. | atennant@vbisd.org | 269 - 624 - 7634 |
Ruby Velazquez | Classroom Aide / Bilingual | rvelazquez@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7537 |
Laura VanderBeek | Mental Health Clinician | lvanderbeek@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7543 |
Meagan Visser | 1st grade | mvisser@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7517 |
Stephanie Walley | 3rd grade | swalley@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7510 |
Lisa Waterson | 4th grade | lwaterson@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7527 |
Lesley Welburn | Kindergarten | lwelburn@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7511 |
Derek Weurding | 3rd grade | dweurding@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7530 |
Kasie Williamson | Library | kwilliamson@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7506 |
Robert Worthington | Custodian | rworthington@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7546 |
Middle School - (269) 624 - 7600
Name | Title | Phone | |
David Williams | Principal | dwilliams@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7601 |
Candice Potts-Prater | Counselor / Homeless Liaison | cpotts@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7607 |
Zander Armstrong | Dean of Students | aarmstrong@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7654 |
Crystal Witteveen | Secretary | cwitteveen@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7610 |
Katey Ahlberg | Special Education | kahlberg@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7609 |
Aiman Ashmus | Social Studies | aashmus@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7617 |
Tammy Barkovich | Special Education | tbarkovich@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7612 |
Sarah Brewster | Language Arts | sbrewster@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7623 |
Darla Cramer | Kitchen Aide | 269 - 624 - 7637 | |
Caren Elmore | Paraprofessional | celmore@lawtoncs.org | |
Nicole Frank | Science | nfrank@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7606 |
Susan Grear | STEM / Math | sgrear@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7621 |
Abbey Herrman | Vocal Music | aherrman@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7639 |
Erin Hess | VBISD Diagnostic TC | ehess@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7645 |
Rosie Hilmert | Kitchen | rhilmert@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7637 |
Morgan Hobbs | Custodian | mhobbs@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7626 |
Emily Holloway | 5th grade | eholloway@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7618 |
Bethany Jellies | 5th grade | bjellies@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7614 |
Tony Karsen | Physical Education | tkarsen@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7613 |
Margot Kinnear | Art | mkinnear@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7612 |
Chad Kuhlmann | Social Studies | ckuhlmann@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7644 |
Amanda Maurer | Science | amaurer@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7619 |
Genevieve McDaniel | Language Arts | gmcdaniel@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7616 |
Tina Oles | Language Arts | toles@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7608 |
Kevin Ouzts | kouzts@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7645 | |
John Patterson | Special Education | jpatterson@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7623 |
Allison Rotzien | Language Arts | arotzien@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7620 |
Melissa Stull | STEM | mstull@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7613 |
Laura Trembley | Band | ltremblay@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7638 |
Wendi VanPeteghem | 5th grade | wvanpeteghem@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7615 |
Chad Williams | PLTW | cwilliams@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7622 |
Marissa Williams | Office Aide | mwilliams@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7602 |
Sally Wright | Math | swright@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7611 |
High School - (269) 624 - 7800
Name | Title | Phone | |
Jonathan Waldron | Principal | jwaldron@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7801 |
Melissa Karsen | Counselor | mkarsen@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7806 |
Chris Richter | Athletic Director | crichter@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7807 |
Bianca Cristiani | Secretary | bcristiani@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7840 |
Alana Barone | Special Education | abarone@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7808 |
Alan Blanchard | Language Arts | ablanchard@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7809 |
Kris Bullock | Math / Science | kbullock@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7813 |
Emily Burleson | Art | eburleson@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7838 |
Mary Carter | Food Service | mcarter@lawtoncs.org | |
Brian Dewey | Spanish | bdewey@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7826 |
Tim Eastman | Science | teastman@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7853 |
Abbey Herrman | Vocal Music | aherrman@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7639 |
AJ High | Special Education | ahigh@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7818 |
Jenny Karsen | Math / Family & Consumer Ed. | jkarsen@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7810 |
Carrie Kline | Math | ckline@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7816 |
Bilingual | 269 - 624 - 7830 | ||
Emma Lucas | Language Arts | elucas@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7822 |
Genevieve McDaniel | Language Arts | gmcdaniel@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7819 |
Mike Meyer | Business & CTE | mmeyer@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7836 |
Diana Michalski | Special Education | dmichalski@lawtoncs.org | |
Lori Oxley | Attendance Clerk / Library Aide | loxley@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7802 |
Bryce Ruhl | Social Studies | bruhl@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7814 |
Amanda Steinke | Athletics / Guidance Secretary | asteinke@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7805 |
STEM Lab | 269 - 624 - 7823 | ||
Kenda Stutzky | Science | kstutzky@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7811 |
Laura Trembley | Band | ltremblay@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7832 |
William Wells | Social Studies | wwells@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7817 |
Travis Wilcox | Mental Health Clinician | twilcox@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7812 |
LAAC - (269) 624 - 7640
Name | Title | Phone | |
Tamara Webster | Principal | twebster@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7542 |
Mike Armbruster | Teacher | marmbruster@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7640 |
Jeremy Macon | Teacher | jmacon@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7855 |
Nicholas Stamas | Teacher | nstamas@lawtoncs.org | 269 - 624 - 7855 |
Apex Online Learning | 269 - 624 - 7855 |